it is the application that is filed and information put on the company computer. It stays with
you all through the years that you work for the company. And when other prospective employers call, the information on that
application may be the only information the employer uses and passes on. Most employers will update and add information on
your performance, but some do not.
From your application the prospective employer will judge your personality, abilities,
and skills. Immediately, the prospective employer will know your ability to read and write. Those who cannot sometimes have
others fill out their applications. Their signatures will not match the writing on the rest of the application. This immediately
shows the prospective employer that the applicant is limited as to either learning capacity, or willingness to even educate
himself or herself enough to read and write. If you fall in this category, please, you are probably even having a friend read
this, check out:
Miami Valley Literacy Council (937) 223-4922 - 18 W 1st St Ste 100, Dayton, OH
Miami Valley Literacy Council (937) 461-2223 - 1133 S Edwin C Moses Blvd Ste 380, Dayton, OH
And take the time to learn to
read. No matter how old you are it will really help in so many situations. Don’t spend your life being a victim when
you can find things out for yourself.
Your application will also measure your ability to follow directions, negotiate the office
environment, and whether or not you are honest.
Things you should do on your
Always print clearly
Complete the entire application
keep check marks within the box allotted
read each question twice before answering
cognizant of the time it takes to complete the application
Always answer the questions honestly, with your best interest in
Always use black ink when completing any employment related application
Create a cheat sheet with all of your information, i.e. past employers, addresses, etc.
Do Not:
Use red or blue ink!
State that you were “fired”
or “terminated”!
State “personality conflict”,
“personal or family problems”!
State that you were injured or hospitalized on or off the job!
are honest and your honesty is in the balance here. The world does not want you to put yourself in a bad light, But, it gives
suggestions that are not totally honest. If you have a statement that needs to be explained, just put on the application,
“to be discussed during interview”. In the interview, give the shortest,
but most honest answer you can that will leave you in the best light possible. This may take a while to construct, so do it
before hand and write it down. Have it with you when you explain.