In my life I have been so battered because
of my visions, that when I finally surrendered to my Maker, I became totally drained of all vision. Which turned out to be
a good thing. Because He put His vision in me and it felt good. As a matter of fact, I have never felt so confident in my
life as I do now. Even though the full potential of what God is building through me has just begun, there is a feeling of
peace, joy of getting up in the morning and doing whatever He leads me to that I have never in my entire working career ever
felt. Even on jobs I have liked, there was stress and being afraid that I would not measure up, or that the job would not
last, simply because I was enjoying it. Usually the job I did enjoy did not last.
But, I have found a simple thing. The job
you are doing is really not the enjoyment. It is a path to a goal. No matter what the goal may be, it is your vision. And
even the job can stand between you and the vision.
Any vision whether it is yours or God’s
is going to take work. I work at this website as many hours a day as you would at your job. Probably more depending on the
job you do and how many hours you are willing to put in it. So, your vision is bridged to you by your job. How you get from
where you are now to where you want to be.
Want to know a secret? How well you succeed
in reaching your vision is not measured in what everyone would want you to believe it is. It is not a race for how much money
you can make or how many sales or for that recognition, instead it is the person you become during your realization of your
vision. Actually, this is much more important than the vision, itself. If you are Christian, the Bible says, Seek first the
Kingdom of Heaven and all of the other things you need will be provided. For the Christian, this is definitely true. But,
if you are not Christian, the discipline, integrity, inner faith, overall strength of character you develop will eventually
create the material goods. Your best effort is the one that is always looking for ways to win. Actually, Christians are just
allowing God to win.
There is a theory that there is a universal
law that requires us to have a purpose. No matter how we like to think that we are free to choose our purpose, our purpose
is in our vision. Without the vision, there is no purpose. We can either fool ourselves into believing that we are the ones,
who dictate our purpose, or we can surrender into our Maker’s purpose and allow Him to carry most of the burden and
we just do the running. Either way, when the vision goes unrealized, it creates regret, anger and misguided blame.
Even the world knows that one must allow
your vision to cultivate in a mind that is prepared with educational understanding and practice or training. You must believe
enough in your vision that you will sacrifice the time and the support to help it develop. If you do not, with negative thinking
and not considering yourself good enough for your vision, you will never reach it. You are responsible for the nurturing and
perfecting of that dream, no matter what it is. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit will guide you to where you need to
go for whatever education, preparedness, etc. you need to accomplish whatever task He has in mind for you. Believe me. It
took me ten years to learn what I am doing right now. Some can learn it a lot easier and quicker. But, this was my vision.
The one He gave me. Not someone who could learn easier. Why? I don’t know. But, I am flattered that He chose me.
The Bible says that the rain falls on the
just and the unjust alike. This means whether or not you are Christian, life is going to have its ups and downs. For most,
nothing is going to come easy. And, whether you keep your vision or not it is going to be hard to get where you are going.
It is an imaginary thought that things are going to always be easy. Things are easier when the load is shared. God is willing
to share with those who know Him. A human life partner can make things easier. Or they can really make things harder. That
is why you and your life partner should have common goals. So that you are working toward a common vision and not pulling
away from each other making the load harder.